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Aechmea gamosphela – Match stick bromeliad
Match stick bromeliad
Aechmea gamosepela, the ‘matchstick bromeliad’ has mid-green leaves with rounded tips, similar to those of a tulip, and produces spikes topped with pink flowers with blue tips. Once open, the blue tips reveal pink flowers with a blue throat. Fast growing ground cover. Like full sun. Waterwise. Popular house plant.
Carrissa macrocarpa – Num num Natal plum
Shiny, deep green leaves and snowy white flowers, evergreen shrub flowering for months. Round, crimson edible fruit appears in summer and autumn at the same time as the flowers. The fruit is made into pies, jams, jellies, and sauces and is a traditional food plant in Africa.Useful as a hedging plant because it is prickly.
Clivia miniata – Bush lily
Clivia miniata, the Natal lily or bush lily, of the family Amaryllidaceae, native to woodland habitats in South Africa. Grows into large clumps and is surprisingly water wise. Large, bright orange or yellow trumpet-shaped flowers are produced on tall stems from late winter to early summer, and sporadically throughout the year. Plant en masse in full shade.
Durantha erecta – Durantha
Duranta erecta is a species of flowering shrub native to South America. It is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant in tropical and subtropical gardens throughout the world, and has become naturalized in many places. Good for hedges. Grows fast and is easy to keep neat.
Grewia occidentalis – Crossberry
Many-stemmed, scrambling shrub or small tree. Grows to about 3 m. Evergreen to semi deciduous. Flowers showy, purple, star shaped. Fruit 4-lobed, orange-red when ripe and edible. Plant in full sun or semi shade. Makes a good hedge, could form a thicket. Attracts butterflies and bees and is a must for wildlife friendly garden.
Flowers Jan – March
Size – up to 3m
Grewia pachycatyx – Large flowered white raisin
Many-stemmed, scrambling shrub or small tree. Flowers showy, white, star shaped. Fruit 4-lobed, orange-red when ripe. It can reach about 6 m in height and will spread. Useful in informal gardens to form a thicket. Or to block views between trees.
Flowers: Jan – March
Hibiscus (various)
Large, striking, and trumpet-shaped flower that come in a range of bright colours. Flowers lasts for one day, but the plant has a long flowering season.
Plant in full sun and water often especially when young and new. The colorful flowers have been used for centuries for decorative, medicinal purposes, teas and supplements.
Size: up to 3m.
Flowering: Can flower all year
Odontonthema strictum – Firespike
Medium sized tropical shrub with large glossy green foliage and upright spikes of bright red flowers. Evergreen with sparse, stiff branches. Flowers at Christmas time and is good festive subject for flower arranging. The flowers attract butterflies Plant in full to part shade.
Height up to 2m,
Plectanthus Various
Ground cover, pink, white and blue
Fast growing, shade loving with large dark leaves and spikes of tubular purple or white flowers several times a year. Makes an excellent hedge or screen and thrives in a well- drained shady position. Prune hard in late summer, after flowering and feed.
Flowering: April – June
Tamarillo – Tree Tomato
Small fast-growing tree or shrub native to the Andes Mountains in South America. Fruit cross between a tomato and a plum, nutritionally dense, low calorie count, and is packed with vitamins A, C, E, B-complex vitamins and a number of nutrients and minerals that improve the immune system.
Tubalghia – Wid garlic
Fast-growing, bulbous plant useful for ground cover. Pinkish-mauve flowers above leaves on a tall flower stalk. Plant smells strongly of garlic when bruised. Plant in full sun and dappled shade. Used in salads and other dishes. Crushed leaves may be used to help cure sinus headaches.
Size: 50cm
Flowering: January to April