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June 2023 edited Click on link for Up dated stock list for trees in Trees for Zambia    Click here

Tree Families NOTES ON PLANT FAMILIES Plant classification started in the time of  Aristotle, scientifically structured in the 18th century, and has  evolved continuously from that time. The development of molecular science and DNA has helped to more accurately classify plants.   Trees belong to families, and like most families, members of the same family share characteristics.  If you know the family of a tree, you will have a better understanding  of how the tree grows, its characteristics and its identification. So, for example, if you know a tree belongs to the legume family (now the Fabaceae) it is likely to fix nitrogen;  or a tree belonging to the Bombacaceae (now the Malvaceae) species, might yield useful seed products.   Below you will see the main family groups and a short description of the family characteristic.  Anacardiaceae Apocynaceae   Balanitaceae Bignoniaceae Bombacaceae Boraginaceae Caesalpinoideae Combretaceae Ebenaceae Euphorbiaceae Flacortiaceae Malvaceae Mimosoideae Meliaceae Moraceae…

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We have been trying to get this web site up and running for a number of months but we are too busy planting trees! This website is VERY MUCH work in progress. So please be forgiving. Trees are arranged by their families, but not all families are complete. The stock list is up to date and there are a few trees already on the web site. We add every day. And add photos and other information. But at least it is active! Your suggestions are always very welcome. Thanks Clare and Sam

Why Plant Trees? The world is getting hotter but especially our cities. Trees can reduce temperatures of a city by as much as 12degreesC, by providing cooling shade to people and buildings and through evapotranspiration.  As trees release water in to the atmosphere, the surrounding air is cooled  as the water transpires from liquid to vapour.  Trees also capture carbon and reduces air pollution which are driving climate change. Carbon dioxide emitted from our factories, our vehicles, our houses is captured by trees which use the carbon to grow and releases the oxygen into the atmosphere. Trees also help to reduce flooding because their roots stabilize the soil making the soil more porous so that the water runoff is not as heavy and damaging. Finally, properties with trees could have a higher value as more people appreciate the benefits trees can bring. Why Indigenous? We agree then that we want…

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Common Botanical Terms The following descriptions have been useful to us as we slowly widened our knowledge of things botanical as we established our indigenous tree nursery. But we still recommend that you follow up these descriptions by browsing through the references sited on our website. This will help you clarify descriptions where we may have been a little superficial. We also hope those searches will also suck you further into this passion. Miombo:   A characteristic woodland type of the region with the vegetation dominated by the genera Brachystegia, Julbernardia and Isoberlinia, extending from Tanzania to northern South Africa. Montane: Referring to mountainous terrain Riparian: Along a river or stream Suffrutex: Essentially a stunted underground tree where only the leaves, flowers and fruit are above ground and usually as a low surface cover. Sometimes a growth form of a common tree species. Deciduous: Losing leaves at the end of…

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